5 Kinds of Boss You Never Wanna Work With or Become

Did you know that most people, when they leave a job, are actually leaving their boss? This means that a good boss is hugely important for a good working environment and might have an influence on how employees work and what they are able to accomplish.

It’s essential to be able to recognize the problematic behaviors to avoid in yourself. Make sure to also pay attention to who you are working with and steer clear of bad bosses.

The Denier

Working with the denier is a masterclass in gaslighting. They will never admit they were wrong. What is more, they might also not admit that they gave you instructions or phrased things a particular way. They always offer other explanations or simply seem to ignore and deny the inconvenient truths.

This is a very frustrating behavior. You will never catch this boss agreeing with you or acknowledging that they said something, especially if it might be inconvenient for them. A denier might not accept even written proof, and it creates unworkable situations if there is a clash of ideas and opinions.

How to avoid becoming this boss? You need to be able to admit that you might have messed up and also be open to seeing other possibilities. Let other people give you feedback and bring them into the decision-making process.

The Loner

The loner appears to be on a different planet from the rest of their team. They don’t communicate, rarely delegate, and prefer to work alone. This might be fine for them or might be associated with a growing frustration, where they feel nobody is helping.

The loner might be a fine performer on their own, but they don’t know how to work together with others.
To avoid becoming the loner, you need to delegate and involve other people in the processes. Don’t be afraid to ask them to support you and try not to take the bulk of the work for yourself. You might use a few leadership skills and development programs, but you need to lead if you are in the leadership position.

The Blamer

The blamer is similar to the denier, but instead of just ignoring reality, they always are looking for someone or something to blame. Nothing is ever their fault, and there is always a patsy there.

The blamer can be harmful to the people around them, as they will easily throw others under the bus. This undermines the confidence that anyone can have in this type of boss and also makes people wary of working alongside them.

How can you avoid becoming a blamer? Try to recognize if you are playing the blame game and always find your share of responsibility. Even if it feels worrying to accept that you did something wrong, it is sure to encourage others to trust you more and also empowers you to grow all the time.

The Egotist

The egotist does not care about the issues and problems of the team. Instead, they are always focused on their own situation and concerns, even if they do not match. An extreme example of an egotist is a boss who calls their employee for work-related matters while the other person is in the hospital.

This kind of boss comes off as being cruel and uncaring, so employees know not to rely on them. The culture they create is dysfunctional because it always prioritizes the needs of the boss, no matter how small, over the needs of the employees, no matter how urgent.

To avoid becoming this boss, be empathetic and open to listening. What is going on with your team? While setting priorities, take everyone into account to ensure that you are also considering the situations other people are in.

The Tyrant

The tyrant might have a lot of the behaviors described above, but takes it all one step beyond by being outright abusive. They might yell, insult, humilliate, or belittle. Their team is afraid of them, and the culture is one of fear.

To avoid becoming a tyrant, you should never engage in behaviors like yelling or being abusive. Don’t use humilliation or fear, rather, try to build a culture of respect. Tyrants are very dangerous, and it’s important to move on if that’s the kind of boss we encounter.