Color Psychology : Use different colors to influence your daily environment

Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions. – Pablo Picasso

Colors are such a common part of daily life we often forget to appreciate them, to admire them. But there is a lot to admire. Colors are not just beautiful, although that is certainly one of the main features they have, but they also have a lot of power. They can influence your daily life in small, subtle ways and allow you to have more control of your moods, your environment, and your emotional state. Let’s see how to achieve this!

You need to know more about the role of each color and how they can make us feel. You can learn a bit more about color psychology, but there are a few basic ideas anybody can apply.

If you want to be more creative, the color you should seek out is green. Green stimulates our brains and encourages a better flow of ideas. The best sources of green are natural, like plants and trees, but if you can’t get outdoors, a plant on your desk can give you a little creative boost.

If you are feeling a bit too fired up, colors that can calm you down include blue and pink. Blue is softer, but can have a bit of a downer note to it as well (after all, we do tend to feel “blue”). Pink is also a soft color that can contribute to a calmer space where we are more able to rest.

Red and orange are colors that are very stimulating, especially red. It’s hard to have many red elements in your environment and stay calm. It’s a color that can give us a bit more energy, but one that should be used sparingly. Red is not likely to help us calm down or have a productive discussion with someone. Orange is more joyful but can also be irritating in large amounts.

Colors like white, brown, and gray are very neutral colors. This means that we don’t respond to them with a lot of activation. Rather, these can be boring if there are no other colors present. These are great colors for backgrounds and to just disconnect from the world for a while.

Learning more about colors can help you manipulate your environment to achieve or avoid specific effects. Don’t underestimate the effects of colors on your mood!