How to Overcome Loneliness and Become more Social

Loneliness can be a difficult feeling to experience. It can seriously affect our well-being and feel like we are somehow being excluded by other people.

“Lonely is not being alone, it’s the feeling that no one cares.”

Loneliness can feel like it depends more on other people, but there are effective solutions we can try to get closer to those around us.

1. Go out unplanned

Often, we feel lonely after we choose to stay at home. When we don’t feel like it, we might be tempted to cancel our plans or stay in the comfort zone, but a good step to feeling less isolated is to go out even if we are not feeling it. Sometimes, that experience goes away as soon as we are out of the door, and indulging in it makes us miss out on many fun experiences.

This doesn’t mean you should force yourself to do everything with no rest – an occasional fun evening at home or a relaxing nap can be great, but it should not be the choice the person always makes. Allow yourself to go out and have fun with other people, even if there is some resistance. You will end up having a good time more often than not.

2. Indulge in Fun Activities

A useful habit to reduce loneliness is to sign up for at least one regular activity that brings you into contact with other people. You have many choices: you can join a dance class or a drawing workshop or a board game club or any other activity that seems interesting. You can get additional benefits by developing new skills or staying in shape, too.

However, the key aspect is that this activity should facilitate you talking to new people and having a common space to interact. You can feel a lot more plugged into the social life by having a regular group of people to interact with.

3. Manage your Spare time

If you often feel lonely, analyze how you spend your spare time. Typically, one of the reasons is that we do not give ourselves time to be with other people. This might be because we work too much or because we are too occupied with everyday tasks.

Schedule social activities and spend time with friends and family members. Make sure to have something at least once a week and, if you can, most days, even if it’s just a quick call or video chat. Find how you might make your spare time activities more social.

4. Change your Environment

Another way to reduce your feelings of loneliness is to make a change in your environment. Add more elements that remind you of the people in your life – bring out the photos, mementos, and reminders of your experiences. Make your space friendlier and less isolating.

You can turn your environment less isolating by bringing in more light, plants, and things that you enjoy, like books, decor elements, posters, images, and knick-knacks that make you feel at ease. If you feel a bit too trapped, go outdoors and spend time away from your workspace and home, around other people. A walk is sure to clear your head and help you feel less isolated.

5. Keep in Touch

Adults tend to have busy lives, so it’s easy to find our relationships becoming more distant. If you are feeling lonely, a good way to reduce this experience is to reconnect with other people. Write to old friends and acquaintances – many will be happy to hear from you and reach back.

Schedule catch-up talks, coffee dates, or other low-effort events to rekindle old relationships. Not everyone will respond, and that’s fine, just don’t get discouraged by a single “no” or lack of response.

6. Gatherings and Get together

Sometimes, the easiest way to bring people together is to take the initiative and organize a gathering or event. It can take more effort but is sure to be appreciated by many people who might also be feeling lonely or isolated but are also busy.

You might not always get everyone to attend; however, you get the opportunity to reconnect with people and create the chance for interactions. While it takes more effort, it can also pay off more.

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