What is the Importance of Discipline in Life?

The Dalai Lama once said, “A disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering.” This quote should become everyone’s motto if they want to live a fruitful life. We all know the fast-paced nature of life in the modern-day world. There is too much work to do, too little time to do it, and on top of it all, there is cut-throat competition.

Contrary to common belief, self-discipline does not mean being harsh toward yourself or living a limited, restrictive lifestyle. Self-discipline means self-control, which is a sign of inner strength and control of yourself, your actions, and your reactions.

Self-discipline gives you the power to stick to your decisions and follow them through, without changing your mind, and is, therefore, one of the important requirements for achieving goals.

The possession of this skill enables you to persevere with your decisions and plans until you accomplish them. It also manifests as inner resilience, allowing you to conquer addictions, procrastination, and laziness, and with everything you do, follow through.

To this end, let’s talk about some reasons why discipline is so important.

Helps You Remain Focused

Discipline is not only about being strict with yourself. It also means being rational at any given moment about what needs to be achieved. It helps you to determine how important a certain piece of work is and whether you should allow it some time. This way of prioritizing tasks encourages you to stay focused on the most meaningful things first.

When you keep doing this repeatedly, you find that your productivity skyrockets, and eventually, you can achieve your goals. It’s quite simple if you think about it, and yet it’s very effective.


A person with self-discipline has more self-control over himself. He is careful in his use of words while talking, his behavior, etc. avoiding himself from being entangled in silly problems. This way, he also builds good relations with people.

Get More Things Done

In today’s world, high productivity is worshipped. But how do you improve your productivity? One of the best ways to do that is to develop discipline in the way you work. You see, a disciplined mind isn’t easily distracted. It knows that the work in front of it is of higher importance, and before it is completed, those distractions shouldn’t be entertained.

Have more time in a day:

A disciplined person has more time in a day than an undisciplined person. So more time means there is more chance to do extra works or other pending works. We can overcome procrastination and laziness at work.

Improved Mental Health

The hallmark of a disciplined mind is that it takes decisions that will augment your life in one way or another (even though it might mean exercising a degree of self-control). This self-control allows you to work towards building a happier and healthier life. If done on a day to day basis, your right decisions will pile up and ultimately lead to good results. It’s as simple as that!

Stay active and Healthy:

Discipline is a way of a positive outlook on life. There are enthusiasm and self-confidence from within. So it keeps one active and not lazy instead. Disciplined life includes regular habits like taking food, medicine (if any), bathing, exercising, walking, and sleeping at the right time.

Exercise and other regular habits will tune the body and mind so well that the person always remains healthy.

“Discipline yourself and others won’t need to.”

― John Wooden