How to Sleep Faster (Do’s & Don’t)

Sleep is one of the most important factors for our health. While we sleep, our body completes many important processes like storing things in long term memory, healing the body, preparing our brains for a new day, and much more.

Sleep deprivation hurts our bodies and our brains. It makes us more irritable, anxious, depressed and stressed out.

Sleep deprivation contributes to serious health problems, like diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and many more. It also hurts our memory and cognitive ability, so we find it harder to solve problems.

If you are not getting good quality sleep, then it can do serious damage to your health in the long run.

So here are some Tricks to fall asleep faster.

Gently tap on your body

You can keep tapping very lightly and gently on different parts of your body to fall asleep faster. It helps you divert your attention from any negative thoughts you might have or any ideas that keep you awake.

If you practice tapping regularly, your body begins to associate it with sleep. The more you do it, the stronger will this association be. Over time, you will find it easier to fall asleep after tapping because it will become a habit.

Count in reverse.

Counting in reverse can help your mind focus on something specific and avoid any thoughts that might be keeping you awake. It is a monotonous activity, just what you need to fall asleep faster!

Soothing music.

You can find soothing music compilations that help you fall asleep faster or some music combined with nature’s sound. Some may prefer guided meditations that are meant to help you relax. Just find a narrator with a voice you like, and let them put you to sleep.

Massage your scalp.

Gently massaging your head can help you relax too. Close your eyes, and focus on the sensations it creates and soothe yourself until you feel sleepy. Like with the tapping, making a habit of giving yourself a massage can help your body associate it with falling asleep.

Affirm yourself.

Another strategy is to use affirmations. Before going to bed, tell yourself that you are very tired and you are feeling very sleepy. This can help you convince your brain that this is true and makes you fall asleep faster. Try it once, and you can thank us later!

Pretend to fall asleep.

Sometimes, we keep ourselves awake by getting distracted. Pretend that you have fallen asleep already. Don’t check the time and put down your phone.

You are asleep, so act like it, don’t give your brain any distractions to focus on, and Don’t respond to the world around you or any disturbances. Focus your attention inwards, not outwards.

Now, Things you should DO

Sun exposure.

Our bodies use light as a guide to know when to go to sleep and when to wake up. Having sun exposure during the day keeps our body alert and full of energy and ensures that our brain knows it’s time to sleep by the evening. It helps to regulate our natural rhythms if we spent the necessary amount of time outside.

Cool and Comfy Bed

We sleep better in a cool, well-ventilated room, although the bed should be warm. Keeping the temperature a bit lower helps us fall asleep faster. It’s also important for us to have a comfortable sleeping space with an ergonomic mattress, the right amount of covers, and good pillows.

Exercise during the day.

Exercise tires our body out, especially intense exercise like cardio. Because of this, the body will be more inclined to sleep and rest, to heal itself, which can improve your sleep quality.

However, it’s important to exercise at least 5 to 7 hours before going to bed, or else you might still be energized rather than tired.

Sleep routine.

A good sleep routine is one of the most important things for a healthy lifestyle. It’s better to have a set time for going to sleep and waking up. Practice to build a sleep routine and see the changes in your sleep quality.

Here are a few ideas, but feel free to add your own:

Hot shower before bed
A hot bath or shower before going to sleep enhances blood flow, reduces muscle tiredness, soothes stiff joints and relaxes our body. You will fall asleep more quickly after a bath, and It’s a good idea to include it in your routine!

Some light and gentle stretching can relax the muscles and make you more comfortable. Just don’t do exercises that get you sweating or your heart pumping!

Wash Your face
If you are not going to take a bath, then it’s a good habit to at least wash your face before going to bed.

Things that you should avoid doing

Are you using your phone before bed?

Many people use their smartphones, tablets, or laptops before bed. It seems like a good time to browse social media, watch movies, or play games, especially as many are too busy during the day to do this.

However, this really hurts our sleep. The light from these devices makes our body think that it’s the daytime, so we may have difficulty falling asleep after that. Additionally, games and other activities can make us more alert, not more relaxed.

So, to promote better sleep, you might need to:

  1. Avoid playing games and watching exciting movies or shows before bed
  2. Use night light options or apps that change your device’s lighting to be more natural
  3. Set the alarm for an hour before going to bed and stop using gadgets at this point

How caffeine affects your sleep cycle?

It’s a good idea to avoid caffeine and other stimulants before bed. Black tea, green tea, and coffee, among other things, contain caffeine. It has the effect of making you alert and giving you energy, so it might keep you from falling asleep if you consume it before going to bed. Instead, herbal tea or some milk can be a great option.

Are you going to bed hungry?

Don’t go to bed hungry, as it’s likely to keep you up. It’s better to have a light supper to ensure that your stomach won’t wake you up in the middle of the night.

Another good tip is to eat foods with a lot of tryptophan that keeps you full for a long time and contributes to better sleep. Foods like chicken, turkey, almonds, milk, oats, and moong are rich in tryptophan.

Irregular sleep schedule

It’s important to stick to a sleep schedule. It might be tempting to sleep late on the weekends but, try to sleep as close to your usual time as you can. This will help your body stay on track.

Are you taking afternoon naps or afternoon sleep?

Naps can feel amazing and help you refresh your energy. However, you must not overdo it. Naps should be 20-40 minutes to ensure that you don’t go to deep sleep and wake up frustrated. Also, Longer afternoon naps can make it harder to fall asleep at night.

These tricks will definitely help you fall asleep faster.

Understanding the science behind sleep and the environmental factors affecting your sleep, and analyzing your sleep habits can make improvements in the quality of sleep you are getting.