Feeds, QuotesYou never worry about the last laugh if you have been laughing the whole time.March 4, 2020Happiness
Feeds, Life HacksWriting down your emotions has concrete health benefits.\nStudies have found that expressive writing helps physical wounds heals, as well.March 3, 2020
Feeds, QuotesSometimes courage it the quiet voice at the end of the day saying. I will try again tomorrowMarch 2, 2020Courage
Feeds, QuotesNever give up on something you really want, it’s difficult to wait, but it’s more difficult to regret.February 27, 2020goals
Feeds, Life HacksIt becomes difficult to accept the truth when the lies told to you were exactly what you wanted to hear.February 27, 2020
Feeds, Life HacksBeing able to think about how we think is a sign of higher intelligence.February 26, 2020
Feeds, Life HacksPeople who stay busy even with pointless tasks tends to be happier than those who don’t.February 25, 2020