Why You Should Do The Hardest Thing First

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” – Mark Twain A “Frog” is that thing that ugly, disgusting, thing on your to-do list that you want…
“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” – Mark Twain A “Frog” is that thing that ugly, disgusting, thing on your to-do list that you want…
In a modern time when everyone so busy with their routine and problems, we almost forget to notice others. The people who are living around us, maybe they won’t be there always. So it is worthy of sparing some moments…
Stressful situations come and go in one’s life. People often face such circumstances in which they start feeling angry. Anger is not suitable for health as well as it can lead to many problems. So it is essential to calm…
Self-control is the ability to regulate and alter responses in order to avoid undesirable behaviors, increase desirable ones, and achieve long-term goals. Research has shown that possessing self-control can be important for health and well-being. Common goals such as losing…
The Dalai Lama once said, “A disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering.” This quote should become everyone’s motto if they want to live a fruitful life. We all know the fast-paced nature of life…
Once you’ve understood what a Motivation Engine is, you should start building habits that keep you motivated. If you’re prone to start off your day in a gloomy and stressed state, then you’ll be sure to benefit from the suggestions…
Life happens, and your emotions are the expression of what is happening to you. Over the course of your life, you will experience numerous feelings. Many emotions will be familiar — those that occur on a regular basis and reflect…
Circumstances can certainly make life unhappy. But a part – often a big part – of unhappiness comes from our own thinking, behavior and habits. 6 of the most destructive daily habits that can create quite a bit of unhappiness…
It may be hard to believe when you’re facing a hot-fudge sundae or the prospect of sleeping in versus hitting the gym, but studies show that people with self-discipline are happier. People with a higher degree of self-control spend less…
There are many people who don’t have the courage to launch a business in a niche as they think they don’t have the right skills and experience to obtain success. While there are specific skills which determine the success in…