Category Goal Setting

Just DO It

do it

Planning and thinking are two useful things, unless everything we do is planning and thinking. If our objectives never become real, what we need is to take action. Sometimes DO IT is the best advice we can take, and here…

How to Stand Up for Yourself

stand up for yourself

Standing up for yourself is an essential skill. You can’t get through life in one piece without it. For many people, setting boundaries is anything but easy, and they find that those around them don’t respect them as they should.…

Connecting the Dots

connecting the dots

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. They say you shouldn’t forget to see the forest for the trees, but the trees, ultimately, make up the forest. It’s important to pay attention to the small…

Signs that you are Growing


Growing is a lifelong process that some people sabotage. We can resist growing up and becoming more mature, and when we do, we tend to limit our lives and the development of our potential. Here are the signs that show…

Are We Born For a Reason?


One thing that all people have in common is that we are all looking for a purpose in life. Some settle on their families and loved ones, others pursue a comfortable lifestyle, and many choose a career or a business.…