

What’s a Boomerang Effect?


A Boomerang’s defining characteristic is that it’s much like karma – what goes around, comes around, and a Boomerang always returns. The idea of a Boomerang effect is that sometimes putting too much effort might lead to an unexpected backlash.…

Find Your Inner Positive Voice


Your inner voice plays a pivotal role in shaping your life. But most of us find it challenging to move away from negativity and a negative inner voice. However, you can find your positive inner voice with the right mindset…

How to Stop Self Sabotaging


We all face obstacles on the path to success, but what happens if you are your biggest obstacle? When you sabotage your own efforts and projects, you might be getting in your own way. But how can you stop sabotaging…

6 Tips to Make Smart Decisions Quickly


Making excellent decisions is a skill that can benefit you in different ways. However, it is essential to remember that all your decisions might not be agreeable or pleasing to everyone. Remember, it isn’t always about pleasing others. While deciding…

How to Get Financial Motivation?


Everyone dreams of being financially independent, but only a few of us take the correct measures to achieve it. Understanding that, we have put together this simple guide with different ways to achieve financial motivation. So, let’s cut the chase…

Unlearning and Relearning 


Learning is a process that doesn’t stop. But beyond learning, there are two important processes that we also need to be aware of and practice consciously: unlearning and relearning. To move forward, we need to be able to practice these…